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Friends, clients, partners, and fellow community leaders,

As we move into what is slowly starting to feel like the new (albeit temporary) normal, many are feeling the effects of the roller coaster ride that is COVID-19. As leaders, we can admit that some days bring about negative thoughts or a resignation to surrender, while other days generate forward momentum that we bring to our teams and our organizations. Business is adapting every day from new online service delivery models to the pursuit of new market opportunities.

Small wins build confidence, lead the way to change.

– Rosabeth Moss Kanter

In noticing the changes that are becoming necessary as a result of the evolving business landscape in Alberta, we thought a Week 5 discussion around change management, or moving your people through change, would prove helpful.

      1. Unite people needs with process needs. Especially in uncertain times, bringing your people along through a business pivot is critical to success. As you are building new processes, products, or services, consider the impact on your people and what is needed for them to own and adopt the changes. If you get planned organizational changes out in front of your team’s ability to adapt to them, you will fail. Do you understand the individual situations and unique motivation of your team members? How will they come to support and participate in the change? Build a plan around your people as well as the process.
      2. Leadership moves the needle. Your people need to know that you’re beside them through the changes happening in your business. Actively championing change through both conversation and action will show your own commitment to the shifts you’re proposing, creating the ideal setting for your team to adapt along with you. It’s proven that the primary cause of failed change is disconnected leadership. Your team should feel confident in the plan for change, which can be built through authentic, regular communication and engagement from the top-down. The more significant the change, the more invested senior leadership needs to be in communicating with all levels of your organization.
      3. Surrender to the fact that change is not easy. Resistance is a natural response to change, no matter how connected, dedicated, and supportive your team is. Don’t underestimate the comfort people have with how your business has operated to date, as it will get in the way. Your goal should be to mitigate, not eliminate resistance. You should expect friction, plan for it, and manage it as it surfaces. And this includes you – have patience with yourself in planning where your business needs to shift.

Our insights from Weeks 1 to 4, along with other valuable resources, can be found here:

Incite continues to fully operate, serving clients from a remote working environment and following directions from Alberta Health Services ( We encourage all individuals and businesses to comply with their recommendations.

Future weekly insights will focus on leadership, communication, business recovery post COVID-19, and collaborative initiatives that can help minimize costs. If there’s a topic you have been pondering, share with us so we can start a conversation. If you’re thinking about it, others likely are too. We all need connection and inspiration at this time.

Our team is steadily focused on making an impact. Keep going and be well.

Best regards,

Trish Kushniruk



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