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Being open to change is often easier said than done. Making grand claims that revolve around needing to make a change either personally or professionally is common for many of us. Whether it be cutting back on chocolate (not likely), visiting the gym more often, taking up a new hobby you have always wanted to try out, or even just learning when to listen in a conversation, we all commit ourselves to change and have mixed reactions in how it seems to play out.

When clients work with Incite, they too are looking to make changes. They’ve decided that there are areas of their business that require improvement. They understand that proactive thinking and a readiness to move forward solidifies a strong result down the road. The extent to which clients are open to taking this step varies, with some being more open to change and others being more resistant. No matter how open they are to the idea of change, taking that next important step of putting it into action can be daunting.

So, why is change so hard and harder still for many of us?

Change can be hard for many reasons. It challenges the way you currently do things; it pushes you out of your comfort zone, and forces you to embark on an adventure into the unknown (or lesser-known) territory. It takes you out of the comfortable “what if” space and forces you to put your ideas into action. The logical part of our brain tells us that change is inevitable. We are constantly adapting, learning, and seeking out new experiences – sometimes, if we are lucky, every day. Even still, knowing it’s necessary and unavoidable, how can we better adapt to it?

Anyone can develop an openness to change, and it starts with how you think.

Changing your perspective

Fear of failing for example can instead be viewed as an opportunity to learn. If something doesn’t go as planned, it’s what you do next that counts.
Ask yourself:

  • What did I learn from the experience?
  • What will you do differently next time?
  • What will happen if I don’t make the steps to be proactive with change?
  • Was I committed to this change?

If you take failure out of the equation, openness to learning, growing, and getting to a better place is left. It’s how you adapt and shift your thinking to adjust to new possibilities that make you more resilient and accommodating to change. Learn from these challenges and continue to seek out new experiences as this will be an excellent way to shift how to deal with change in both your personal and professional life.

Remember, every day is an opportunity to learn, and it all starts with how you think.

“Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant.” —Anthony D’Angelo
